Missional Events are not passive webinars where you sit and listen and that’s it. At our events, you will have many opportunities to interact with others on the topics that concern you most. For example, the Participants Forum is a dedicated hour where you can go to the participant's forum and hang out with others using live stream video or via chat. You can talk with the presenters via live stream video in addition to the dedicated Q & A after each presentation. With presenters and participants from around the world, you will have the opportunity to hear many perspectives on merging your faith, career, and mission.

Since the mission of God is global, our Missional Events recognize that followers of Jesus need to find their purpose, passion, and mission in joining the work of God in their neighborhoods, communities and around the world. At Missional Events, you will encounter new cultures and international backgrounds. From learning from internationally known presenters to learning from participants from different countries, the learning experience is truly transnational. While jetting off to other countries isn’t for everyone, Missional Events affords an unprecedented opportunity to become more globally aware.