Panel Focus: What is the mission of God in our world, and what is my role in it? The panel discusses the mission of God as demonstrated in scripture and how people from various walks of life were sent by God to join in His work. Panel speakers also discuss ways in which the content they presented in their workshops further extend the themes expressed in the plenary session. A major emphasis is upon the missio dei and the story of redemption and how current followers of Jesus can join in the mission of God in the world.
Panel Focus: How do I grow spiritually, help other Christians to grow spiritually and join other believers in engaging my community? The panel discusses the ways in which we can see Jesus in the fabric of our everyday lives. They examine how recognizing Jesus' presence everywhere challenges His followers to live their faith outside church culture and become conduits of grace to others. Panel speakers draw connections between spiritual transformation and missional engagement in the community and how it relates to the content of their own presentations.
Panel Focus: How do I share my faith in a conversational, non-confrontational way while simultaneously addressing various worldviews? The panel presenters discuss ways in which Christian believers may incarnate the gospel of restoration through presence, proclamation, and persuasion. Reflections on a witness in early Christianity, among Muslim adherents in western societies, by Christian African migrants in New Zealand and from biblical examples in urban settings are included.
Panel Focus: How do I equip myself and others to embody or "incarnate" the message and image of Jesus in my community? The panel presenters define missional living in terms of embodying the presence of Jesus in our relationships at work, school, play, and home. The speakers build upon this central truth from the life of Jesus as he was dining with others. The panel speakers illustrate how to live missionally through marketplace ministry, being a family on mission, as artists among the arts community, and moving into the social margins of neopagan culture.
Panel Focus: How do I live out my unique calling from God and equip other believers to do the same? The panel participants reframe discipleship in terms of the blessing of our individual vocations that may be transformed into a missional vocation. The speakers discuss ways to practically "create space" that serves to transform the work environment, school, neighborhood and community. The panel speakers link this needed transformation to spiritual genealogy among millennials and the military. They also go back to the scripture to frame this mission-shaped disciplemaking in terms of joining God's work in redemption, reconciliation, restoration, and renewal - -- -- the very re-creation of all things.